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◆ Introduction
◆ Typing Chinese
◆ Typing Japanese
◆ Typing Korean


Typing Japanese

InputKing Online Input System supports romaji (ローマ字) input method. The table below shows the special function of some keys.

Key Function
Space  Convert hiragana (平仮名) to kanji (漢字).
Number (0-9)  When list of candidate words shows up, select the word after the number.
PageUp  When list of candidate words shows up, display last page.
PageDown  When list of candidate words shows up, display next page.
Enter  When list of candidate words shows up, select current (highlighted) word.
Esc  Delete hiragana/katakana just typed.
.  Input "。"
,  Input "、"
'  Input "‘" or "’"
"  Input "“" or "”"
\  Input "¥"

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